Let’s Vote

Spread The Vote Gets

The People To The Polls


STV has perfected the art of getting the most vulnerable Americans to the polls. Voter turnout is directly proportional to socioeconomic status. The 1% vote 99% of the time while the lowest percentile almost never turns out. So how do we get our clients from 0% turnout to 40%? Time. Community. Education.

We help our clients get the thing they need to change their lives: IDs. And then we work with them to learn why, how, and when to vote. All of our staff and volunteers are from and live in the communities where they work. So our clients know they can be trusted. We don’t fly in to town in October. We’re there all year.

And when an election comes around, we give our clients and communities our specially made voter guides, walk through voter plans and options with them, and get them to the polls. We’ll even watch their kids.

We take our expertise further with our virtual Voter Ed series and Read the F*ing Directions to teach young adults how to vote by mail.

When it comes to making sure the most vulnerable Americans can vote, we’re the best in the business.